Tobias Elementary: Engaging our students today to be the creative problem solvers for tomorrow.
Our mission
The Tobias staff, parents, and community will work collectively to provide all students with opportunities and support in a STEM enriched environment.
Our focus “Exploring STEM Through the Lenses of Life”
Our creative problem solvers will use a variety of lenses to explore and discover science, technology, engineering, the arts, and math. The physical lenses include Proscopes, microscopes, jeweler’s loupes, a telescope and even the lens of the eye. Students will also have opportunities to view activities through the lens of many viewpoints and perspectives (metaphorical lenses). These metaphorical lenses include students exploring life and STEM through the perspectives of scientists, artists, and engineers.
Tobias became a STEM focus school in 2012-2013. This was our planning year and we also expanded our STEM offerings during the school day and after school. A Hillsboro Schools Foundation and Genentech grant helped us begin purchasing STEM lab supplies for use in Kindergarten through grade six. Support from Intel was instrumental in planning science and integrated STEM units for all grades.
In our “beginning implementation” year, 2013-2014, we emphasized engineering in our classrooms, during staff development, in our first Family Engineering Night, and in the beginning of the GEN (Girls Engineering Now) Club. Tobias became a SOLVE Green Team school and we now have a school wide composting program. Grants and funding from Intel, the Hillsboro Schools Foundation, and FEI have helped us provide new opportunities in STEM for our students.
2014-2015 brought the excitement of full implementation. Our staff worked hard to prepare, gather, and present engaging STEM lessons and units. Two garden grants for outdoor life science learning and a 5th grade rocketry grant are just a few of the new STEM opportunities for Tobias students. Tobias teachers also focused on enhancing our math instruction and student use of math practices and discussion.
For our final year of transformation as a STEM focus school, we are refining our lessons and units and incorporating more technology into our instruction. A 3-D printing club and a yearbook club are two of our expanding STEAM after school options.
Questions or comments, please call the STEM office at 503-844-1310 x6881